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The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

The Temptation Trap

I was bored last night and went for a surf on Amazon. And, by chance, I fell upon a unique item. A life-size cardboard cut-out of Tom Cruise! Now me and Tom have had a bit of a thing going on over the duration of this blog. I don’t know why – I don’t even fancy him. It’s just some folks tickle the comedian in me and Tom happens to be one of them. Yeah, so even though I tried to restrain myself I eventually succumbed to the temptation to leave a review. (Admittedly I didn’t try too hard to resist -I am just too shallow.) Now I know I’ve failed as a human being and will be damned in the fires of hell for being so cruel but, on the plus side, I’ll finally get to meet Tom whilst I’m there because I’m fairly sure that believing in little green

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Pronunciation please, Jason!

For an old(ish) gal, I’m still a bit of a pop babe which is why Want To Want Me by Jason Derulo is one of my songs of the moment. However, I’ve had a bit of a problem with it. For a while, I was convinced that the first six lines of the lyrics were: It’s too hard to sleepI got the shits on the floorNothing on meAnd I can’t take it no more It’s a hundred degreesI got one foot out the doorWhere are my keys?‘Cause I gotta leave, yeah I’ll be honest this situation rings quite a few bells with me. And I don’t blame him for wanting to get out of his house if he’s had the shits and it’s a hundred degrees. I have a problem with the shits at normal room temperature. Also, what normal person wants to sing about having the shits?  Oh, okay, I

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Yet another embarrassing moment for Mrs T

I’ve recounted a few embarrassing moments on this blog so it may come as no surprise to hear that I’ve had yet another… So the other day Mr T dropped me into our local town and arranged to pick me up a short while later outside the library after he had picked up Master Jacob from school. I duly did my shopping and rushed back to the library to see Mr T and Master Jacob parked in our silver-coloured car outside the library as agreed. I waved at them and rushed into the library to drop off a book and dashed back so not to keep them waiting any longer. However, when I came out, to my annoyance, Mr T was already reversing out of the space. (A few choice words about impatient husbands may have crossed my mind.) I duly ran over to our car, opened the door and was

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A Second Night of Insomnia

I am on my second night of insomnia in a row. Now long term readers will know that I go in phases with my insomnia and have frequently posted in the middle of the night. (When I’ve got fed up reading The Daily Mail.) However, my insomnia hasn’t been too bad for a while but the last two nights it has come back with a vengeance and tonight I also can’t stop sneezing for no apparent reason and instead of reading The Daily Mail I have been forced to run numerous virus checks on my PC because of a potential threat. As we say in the UK: It never rains but it pours. So no doubt tomorrow I will get run over by a bus. I just pray to God that this perimenopausal phase I am in doesn’t prevent me from forgetting to change my knickers as if I am going

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New Year, New Me

Thank goodness last year is over. It was not one of my best. (And that’s putting it mildly.) I’ve also a feeling that the rotten phase I’m in at the moment has not yet reached its nadir. Humph. However, as you know, I don’t like to whinge too much so instead of an in-depth, knee-deep whinge I shall simply sum up my present state of mind and my 2015 with the picture below. Okay so as 2015 didn’t go all that well for me, I think it’s important I start 2016 in a positive mindset. So my positive mindset begins with the news my short story Fantasia is free (yes FREE!) on Amazon Kindle until the 6th January and, at the time of posting this blog, it is 379 in the US Kindle free charts and no 1 in two children’s categories. They are only small categories but, nevertheless, I am

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Inspirational Music and Books

Since we’re on a countdown to Christmas I am throwing into the mix some of my favourite songs and books of the year. The first song is Let It Go by James Bay who is from Hitchin in the UK. Hitchin is a place I travel through quite often so it’s rather a nice surprise to discover that such fine musical talent is emerging from somewhere which I have only ever thought of as a thoroughfare. My first book choice is a contemporary comedy set in the UK and New York about a underachieving British thirty-something man who gets drawn into a bizarre competition, requiring him to run the NY marathon, in order to win a place on a trip to the moon. There are some real laugh-out-loud moments in 26 Miles to the Moon, particularly in the early chapters. I think it would especially appeal to male readers looking for something

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Inspirational quotes or just bullshit?

I was reading an article in the Daily Mail today about a Canadian study which suggested that people who post lots of inspirational quotes and messages on social media might have less cognitive abilities. The study also suggested that many of these inspirational messages may be just pure meaningless bullshit. In other words – gullible people are prey to believing in any old crap. This may or may not be true. I am not casting any judgement. (Yet.) However, I thought I’d conduct my own experiment and make up a few inspirational messages of my own and post them on social media and see what effect they have. I’ll be reporting back in due course. Here’s my first inspirational message. I’ll be testing it out tomorrow.

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A Lesson for The Housewife Extraordinaire

As you all know I am a Housewife Extraordinaire. Essentially, this means I’m an expert at household cleaning. However, since Young Sam returned home (bringing the total number of males in the household back to four) and I acquired a new pussy cat called Shand The Shitter (the name is self-explanatory) I have been struggling with my excessive cleaning duties. Therefore, I decided that in order to improve on my cleaning skills I needed to take a household cleaning refresher course. I found exactly what I needed on YouTube. I am now feeling far more comfortable about my cleaning abilities – I know exactly what I am going to do the next time I need to unblock the loo or find a stack of unwashed dishes left by the sink!

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I’m not a celebrity, but I know how to become one!

So one of the reasons I’ve been silent is I have become to addicted to the TV show I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! I’ve occasionally dipped into it over the years, but this year I’ve become intrigued by it due to the presence of the indomitable Lady C, otherwise known as Lady Colin Campbell. Yep, I’ve become fascinated by Lady C and her epic rants which make Hitler’s tirades look amateurish. The bizarre thing is that by being completely rude and obnoxious Lady C is getting loads of publicity which seems a tad unfair on the other celebs who are far more polite. But there is a lesson to be learnt from Lady C and I’ve worked it out… If I turn myself into a vile, ranting witch I will get way more visibility for my books! However, I have a problem: How do I make myself as mean and

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Thoughts on Book Clubs and Women’s Fiction

For many years I’ve been a member of a ladies’ book club. We’re all middle-aged with one or more aspects of our lives in common: teenagers or young adult children, jobs varying in pressures and fulfilment, husbands facing redundancy or career changes, and increasing responsibilities for our parents. At the same time, we’re also facing the joint onslaughts of the loss of youth and age-related health problems. We’re a strong, supportive group with individual and yet universal problems that unite us beyond our mutual love of books. Our meetings are filled with lively, vocal discussions that sometimes go on until the early hours of the morning on just about any topic. Except the books that brought us together in the first place. It’s not that we never discuss our chosen books; it’s just that we so rarely discover a book that all of us have read and enjoyed to the

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When the simplest things go wrong

Sometimes I wonder if I am cursed as it seems even the simplest things go wrong for me. Take for example, the last 36 hours… I am the tennis centre working and I get some unfortunate news about one of the boys’ tennis coaches which requires my contemplation. Whilst I am contemplating, I get an email from my publicist which is good news but requires my immediate attention. My brain is busy whirring over these two issues so when I get home at about 8.30 pm I discover I have left my handbag at the tennis centre. I ring the tennis centre and luckily they are able to locate it but I am not sure if all the contents are all there. I decide because I’ve only “lost” it for an hour and it was in the same place I left it that I’m going to trust to luck and honesty

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Gransnet and a new experiment from Mrs T

I am on Granset this week espousing on one of my favourite subjects: The Problem With Plumbers. Do pop over and give it a social share or leave a comment if you enjoy it. This week I have also been busy working on my book promotion and I have taken time out to make a video for my book. I am also currently putting a few articles together and I’m looking for anyone who has had some bad/funny (or even good!) changing room experiences. So if your knickers have fallen down in public, or you’ve lost your child while you were trying on a bathing suit in M & S, or you split some trousers and put them back on the rail then I want to know!  Please leave a comment or email me at jane@sweetandsaltybooks.net. You could be immortalized in one of my articles! *So long as you promise

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