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The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

A Childhood In Fiction

Books played a vital role in my childhood. Forty years ago, before the advent of computers and game stations my days were spent drawing, making mud pies and, most significantly, reading. My world was one of fairytales and fables, myths and legends, witches and wizards. With no Sonic or Mario to distract me the open pages of a book were the places where my imagination took flight. Like Dorothy, I was swept away to a land of make believe. My first school memory was being the second child drawn to the front of the class to read aloud from a newspaper, the reward for becoming a competent reader. I recall too that Sarah, my best friend, was first and though pleased for her I jealously noted that she was five months older and so must have received an unfair advantage. Those early days were filled with Ladybird editions and picture

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What are the Secrets to Happiness?

A couple of my new blogging friends, Wendy and Paula have been participating in a weekly meme called Wednesday Hodgepodge run by Joyce Daley over at From This Side of the Pond. It looks kinda fun so I thought I’d join in once in a while. Today I am going to do last week’s meme otherwise I’ll miss out on all the great questions from last Wednesday and, conveniently, there’s no meme this week as Joyce is on hols. Now I think the idea is that Joyce posts random questions (hence use of the word “hodgepodge”) which then everyone answers. Easy peasey! 1. Four (supposed) secrets to happiness from around the world are: a) overcome your fears by facing them head on b) allow yourself to relax and reset c) work to live versus living to work d) find the good in life. Which of the four do you struggle with most?

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Why not? An interview with me by me!

I have been trying to organise my files on my PC this morning and came across this draft interview that I submitted to an ebook site ages ago which never got published. So I thought – why not stick it on your blog Mrs T and let your readers tell you what you did wrong! Let me know what you think, folks. I have my own ideas where I went wrong but you can sock it to me any way you want. Answers in the comments please or you can mail me at idiot@idiot.com When did you first discover a love of writing? Is there a particular book that made you want to become a writer? I first discovered I loved writing stories when I was at school and realised I could write stuff in them that I wouldn’t be able to say aloud without being rebuked by teachers. You can

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School Holiday Ramblings No 2

There’s no other way to say it. I had a miserable day yesterday when my pet chicken, Miss Agatha, died. She was a chicken like no other. For a start, she had a partially severed claw which, no doubt, was the reason why she was the only West Sussex available at the farm we purchased her from.  She also thought she was a cockerel.  Which was slightly problematic. Especially, if you’re expecting a nice placid hen who makes an occasional cluck and generally behaves herself. So Miss Agatha was definitely not a well-behaved hen. Every morning for the last four and a half years she woke me at the crack of dawn with her loud cock-a-doodling. In fact, she would cock-a-doodle anytime she fancied some attention. (Which was a lot and particularly when in pursuit of luxury food items.) She was tenacious, stubborn and had no fear. She would chase

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School Holiday Ramblings No 1

So the school holidays are upon us. The best thing about this is I don’t get hypertension trying to get the boys to school on time and the bad thing is I am doing even more driving than usual. This is not good for the life expectancy of hedgehogs, rabbits and low-flying pigeons. So we are now into the second week of the holidays and the boys and I are in the midst of their summer tennis campaign. In between the driving and competing I am trying to manage my publishing endeavours, write and do all those other things that mothers are supposed to do. (Excluding ironing which I try to avoid as much as possible – it’s the feminist in me.) And the rest of the time I am trying to catch-up with the TV series Ashes to Ashes  which I highly recommend, especially if you want a taste

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A Truly Awful Poem

It annoys me when I have to be polite And sound all erudite When I want to be rude Stick my fingers up and be crude It’s such a pain being an English Rose Who would never pick her nose* Sometimes I want to say naughty words And call people nerds But I don’t Cos I’m nice And always think twice** I also write particularly bad poems Not even half as good as Wilfred Owen. Who was very unlucky and got shot Whereas I have just lost the plot *in public ** only sometimes

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My Analysis of Recent Articles at The Guardian

Blimey, I haven’t even had time to write my list of lost things yet and The Guardian are already banging on about feminism again. Apparently, it’s not okay to call women “girls” but it okay to call men “boys.” Surely, there’s more to life than that to complain about? I can think of some really big issues worth having a rant about. I could even make up some stories to rant about. Maybe about something I’ve lost. (Not a ring obviously – see last post.) How about when I lost my virginity? That’s got to be a hell of a lot more interesting to just about everyone including feminists and misogynists. Anyway, I am happy if a man wants to call me a “girl.” The fact that he would probably be 95 years old, blind and suffer from senile dementia is irrelevant – it would still make me feel young

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What the hell is going on at The Guardian?

For the benefit of you folks abroad, I must first explain that The Guardian is meant to be a bastion of British newspaper intellectual reading. However, of late, I’ve had some weird clickbait stuff feeding into my Facebook stream which has caused me to react rather like this: “What the heck? Did I click on The Daily Mail in error? Oh crap. I didn’t. It is The Guardian.” “No really? Another article on feminism?” “Hmm. What? Another article on Jeremy Clarkson and Top Gear? “ “Okay. This definitely looks like a clickbait article. Let me see…uh-huh…okay…so sexual deviancy in feminists is fashionable. Hmm…where’s that link to The Daily Mail?” “Hmm. What another article on Tim Hunt? Leave the man alone, he’s a nobel prize winner. He made a poor joke – he didn’t massacre innocent babies! I’m going to stick my head in a bowl of sand in a minute.

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A New All Time Low for The Housewife Extraordinaire

Oh dear, dear, dear, readers, something terrible has happened in the Turley household and put my position as Housewife Extraordinaire up for serious review. Now some time ago, I had to replace my washing machine. I can’t remember exactly when that was so I reckon that’s well over a year ago and probably closer to two years. And last week the Good Mr T pointed out to me that, for all that time, I had only been putting the clothes onto wash on the rinse cycle. I haven’t, in fact, washed any clothes properly with detergent for nearly two years. Oh God. This is a new low for me. That’ll teach me to read instruction manuals without my glasses. The funny this is I had noticed that some of Master Jacob’s sweaty tennis shirts had come out of the machine not quite as fragrant as I’d expected. Unfortunately, I had

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Podcast excerpt of The Changing Room read by Simon Denham

Summer is upon us. (Well until about 10pm tonight when the thunderstorms and torrential downpours are due.) So I am out in the garden erecting fences with Mr T who is driving me mad off work. An author’s job is never done. Sigh. Expect the sequel to my novel in about 2020. In the meantime, here is a excerpt of The Changing Room read by Simon Denham of Readers in the Know, a place where you can find lots of books that you might never otherwise discover. Simon reads from a selection of the books from Readers in the Know and you can find his frequent podcasts on itunes. If you sign up for notifications for books and offers via Readers in the Know there is also the opportunity to win a $100.00. Yay! That’s my kind of competition – no having to think up a 25 word byline for

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I wish I was Jason Statham

Wouldn’t it be fantastic to be Jason Statham? Now the reason I am saying this is because I don’t like to be a depressed author so I’d rather pretend to be someone else if that stops me sinking into one of those boozy morbid phases authors are known for. Now there are a good many reasons why an author might be depressed, even one as buoyant as me. I might list some of those reasons in detail one day. However, yesterday was one of those days when I had to do some therapeutic acting. Yep, I pretended I was Jason Statham pulverizing some no-good con artist into a pulp. (In my imagination obviously – Mr T wouldn’t be too happy about me kicking his butt and demolishing the kitchen) Rather like this: Now you may wonder what brought on this rather bizarre behaviour. Well, it was because yesterday I discovered

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Gimme a by-line

So last week was half term in the UK and I was out and about with the boys attending tennis tournaments and cricket matches so not a lot of writing was done. In fact, a big fat zero! However, in between all the dashing around I did spot this at the bottom of my drive. I need evidence. It rather tickled me. Someone at Sky obviously has a sense of humour – or they’re very overconfident about their customer service. You’d never see a statement like that on a BT (British Telecommunications) van – it would cause riots in the streets. Now here’s my question to you: What should the by-line be on a British Telecommunications (BT) van? Expect some answers from me in due course. In the meantime, for a Mrs T BT rant, I suggest reading this post.

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