2500 x 500

The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

Three Glasses of Wine leads to Bad Poetry

Yes, I have had three glasses of wine as I am off work for a few days as I am self-isolating prior to a minor medical procedure. I am, therefore, feeling a little ribald. So, I decided to write a poem.   Now, before some of my lovely American readers go apeshit, please remember this a comedy blog (even if it has been slightly lacking in humour for a while.) As a consequence, the poem is in my usual eloquent style which required some deep thought for all of 5 minutes.  Here we go: There was an old man called Trump Who had a particularly small lump For a brain He lost an election Got a floppy erection And was never seen or heard of Again. Quality stuff – although the last line is probably rather optimistic. Let’s face it who doesn’t want to see more of Mr Trump. He is

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Talking About Faces

A few months ago I was generously given a phone as mine kept dying on me and the battery was one of those irreplaceable ones. I duly set-up facial recognition in addition to a password. Unfortunately, since then it has only recognised my face… maybe once. I can’t decide whether on the day I set it up I was looking astonishing gorgeous or completely hideous… or perhaps like a female version of Boris Johnson. I think Boris and I have a lot in common at the moment. He looks completely shagged-out running the country during the pandemic and the Brexit crisis; I looked completely shagged-out through the stress of my elongated divorce. We both look our ages of 55. I used to look ten years younger but lately, I am looking battered. The only real differences between us are that  Boris has a 32-year-old girlfriend, a top job and a

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A Boot in the Face

On Wednesday I had a meeting with my solicitor, a pensions actuary and my husband’s barrister. I had been told to expect my husband and his solicitor in the virtual meeting room.  (Yes, that’s right. Over 4 years since my separation I still don’t have a Decree Absolute and still no financial settlement. Consequently, life is very difficult for myself and my sons.) The meeting was scheduled for 12pm to suit my husband’s requirements. However, he didn’t turn up and no apologies were made. Instead, he sent his barrister rather than his solicitor. Of course, the reason my husband didn’t turn up is that he is too afraid to face me himself. Too afraid I will call him out in front of other professionals.  Anyway, during the course of the meeting, my husband’s barrister treated me like he was at court hearing. Trying to qualify everything I said in a

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E is for (Non ) Erotic

Apparently, many people are more aware of their dreams at the moment because they are resting and sleeping more.  Some dreams appear to be related to the pandemic in that they feature, perhaps obscurely, death, fear and isolation. Others are less obvious and related to parts of our lives we are missing during the pandemic – like food for example. This makes complete sense. However, I am someone who generally doesn’t sleep that well but I do occasionally have quite vivid, obscure and often frightening dreams. Sometimes I experience sleep paralysis. Last night, I had an entirely different dream. I rarely dream about people in the public eye. The last one was Hugh Grant. (Hey ho.) But last night I dreamt about Boris Johnson, our PM, currently laid up in hospital with Coronavirus. Basically, I dreamt I was having sex with Boris. I have no idea what this means (other than

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D is for Dressed for Kill

We have an expression in the UK “dressed to kill” which is an expression for basically making the most of your appearance and trying to look as attractive as possible. Now when you reach my grand old age of 55, dressing to kill takes some skill. It’s also preferable to have a large glass of gin before you look in the mirror. Because you look a lot better when your vision is blurred. You can also try and kid yourself you’re only 39. I have been telling my boys I am 39 for years. I don’t think they believe me any more. Well, not since the tooth fairy quit. Now, even though I’m past my prime, when I go to work, I attempt to look as smart as possible with clean, pressed clothes and fresh make-up. I find a trowel is excellent for putting on my foundation and a kids’

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C is for Cabbage and Caterpillars

After my post on A where I explored the use of shrivelled apples in my fridge in this time of lockdown, I thought you might like to see one of my other creative recipes. So basically, last week when I was looking desperately in the fridge to see what concoction I could manufacture from the rotting contents, I discovered two well-past-the sell-by-date cabbages. You know, where the outer leaves have gone yellow and look as appetising as a snot-covered handkerchief. Anyway, times are hard. So, I tossed the cabbages in the air with gay abandonment and consulted my recipe book for a dish where the ingredients consisted of two mouldy old cabbages and very little else. Sadly, there were none. I did think about disguising the mouldiness in vinegar and making sauerkraut. However, I’ve got to be honest, pickled cabbage holds no appeal to me. I gather sauerkraut is a

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April A to Z : B is for Baloney and Bog Rolls.

I had a look back at my previous B posts for the A to Z and saw that I’d come with Bullshit (a personal favourite) Brighton Cock (a spin on Brighton Rock, the novel by Grahame Greene),  Balls and Breasts and Balderdash. An eclectic choice, I feel. So, to live up to my previous posts I decided to opt for the words Baloney and Bog Rolls. Now, in order to make sure I am not misinforming people I decided to check out the definition of baloney. I discovered there were in fact, three definitions. The first is a sausage, the second is a resident of Bologna, Italy. The third fundamentally describes this blog which means nonsense. So, to incorporate the two themes have come with an (almost) nonsense poem: Bog Rolls. Bog Rolls, I like them. Soft and cushy on my bottom. It’s a pity I don’t have any ‘Cos some fucker

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A is for Arseholes and Apples.

So, here I am on April Fool’s Day back here on my blog unprepared, as ever, to participate in the A to Z. I have zero ideas what I am going to write about so as usual this is where I say to myself: Oh crap, why did you commit to this? You arsehole, Turley. Hmm. Arsehole. I suppose I could make a blog out of that. Mind you, that wouldn’t be very lady-like. And, possibly, as any post using the word arsehole might make reference to Mr Trump it might alienate my lovely American readers. So, no can do. Oh okay, let clutch at some straws. Apples? Okay, they’re round and green. Sometimes red. Even a bit pinkish. They can be crunchy. They are super for making cider from though. If only I had some cider… Oh, and a couple of hours ago, I found some old wrinkled apples

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A Word Of Not So Serious Warning

On April 1st, which is April Fool’s Day here in the UK, this blog reopens for business as I rejoin the virtual world in the April A to Z blogging challenge. So whilst you are in lockdown, gnashing your teeth on the last of your dried cream crackers and wiping your arse on the pages of Fifty Shades of Grey, you can join me here on The Witty Ways of a Wayward Woman where I shall be providing my own unique view on the world as I see it. We’ve got a lot to talk about. As usual, there will be no rhyme or reason to any of the subject matters I will tackle. It will be whatever pops into my mind on the day. And if I’m bored and my brain is befuddled, I will be posting pictures of hunky men in their underpants. So nothing to lose then

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2019 update.

I was clearing down some of my emails this morning while I was looking for a particular email and came across a number of emails dating back to my early blogging days. It brought me back here to my blog and remembering the immense fun I used to have blogging and reading blogs from all around the world. Sadly, most of those blogs have now died out. After 12 years of blogging, I don’t want mine to die out, so here I am with an update.  In October, my Decree Nisi was passed by the Family Court. It has taken this long as I have had far too many problems and obstacles to overcome – getting divorced was the least of my problems. For example, since September 2016, I have had 7 jobs.  Job no 1 (4 months) – Left to join a rival company (Job no 2) for a

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Poetry Time

IF If is a crazy word Or an unhealthy turd If only I had done this Or that Thrown away the key And just been me If only I had said no And fought my foe If only I had done this Or that Instead I stuck it out And now I want to shout If only I could be free Sing from the tops of trees If only I could do this Or that But the vice is still tight And I’m prepared for a fight If only women were not subjugated Or flagellated If only they could do this Or that If only women had one voice Then we would rejoice If is a crazy word As fragile as a baby bird If only I could do this Or that If may define my past But I refuse to be typecast If is a word of possibilities Freedom

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Me and Brexit

So there are enough people coming back here to prompt me to crawl from under my bed to write to a post and thank you all for taking the time to visit my somewhat stagnant blog. So, I am still alive. I have a slightly bigger arse than I had a year ago due to consumption of Maltesers to relieve stress. However, I have yet to throw myself under a bus or drive into a brick wall …not that I haven’t thought about the enticing prospect of a collision with a brick wall but given the size of my arse I’d probably rebound and just end up wheelchair-bound rather than hanging out with St Peter. Besides, someone’s got to look after the kids, cats and chickens. So I’ve nominated myself as chief carer, breadwinner, loo cleaner, cook and general dogsbody. Which is not a lot different from what I did

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