2500 x 500

The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

A Song for Sting (aka Gordon Sumner)

Sting, sing a song Keep it simple Keep it long Don’t worry if it’s not good enough For anyone else to hear Just Sting, sing a song Sting, sing a song, Keep it boring Keep it angst ridden Don’t worry if it does or doesn’t rhyme Cos no one but you really cares Just Sting, sing a song Sting, sing a song, Keep it monotonous Keep it montone Don’t worry if it drives me mad Cos I’m on anti-depressants Just Sting, sing a song Sting, sing a song Make it a hit Even though it’s *hit Don’t worry if they find me dead I’ll be happy if you’re Number One Just Sting, sing a song Sting, sing a song Keep it repeating Till the world combusts Don’t worry about nuclear war Your song will do the same trick Just Sting, sing a song Sting, sing a song Keep it repeating

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One of My Shortest Posts Ever

I am on the edge of a cricket pitch. I am spending a lot of time of the edge of cricket pitches lately. Thus, I decided I would take my laptop with me today and scribe some moving tribute to Michael Douglas who I am assuming will soon be found with a machete buried in his head. However with usual incompetence I have forgotten both my mouse AND my glasses. To me this like being a chef without a spoon or a politician without an expenses form, or in the case of Michael Douglas probably without a life. Very soon. So I end this post now by simply saying: God Bless you, Michael. It was a good life till you opened your gob (on all accounts.) That’s it. It’s taken about an hour to do this without typos. I’ve had enough I’m heading to the bar.

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Another car parking moment

I have over the course of this blog had a few car parking moments or “incidents”. I have creatively redesigned the door of a grey Nissan Micra, remoulded the door a green Vauxhall Vectra and transformed the door of a blue Nissan Micra into a conceptual piece of modern art. I don’t feel the need to report on the moving “incidents” as they are not in the remit of this post. However, there was also some creative redesigning involved. Although none involved any (permanent) injury. Of course, there was also the “incident” before Christmas when I lost my car in a multi-storey car park for an entire hour and had to engage the services of the security guard to help me locate it. I wrote that “incident” into my novel. Embarrassing moments like that are just too good to waste. Anyway, this morning I had another car parking moment. I

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The Problems of Language

Language can be a bit of a problem. Speech can be a bit of a problem. If you’re an Irish Jew with a speech impediment it might be a bit of a problem. (Although the good news is that you will get a job on the BBC.) What I’m trying to say is: sometimes language and accents can be a barrier to good communication. To which I offer up this following true story: Earlier today, The Good Mr T and Young Master Benedict are travelling by car to a cricket match. Mr T takes a call from a work colleague on his speaker phone. They conduct a conversation. Master Ben is, as they say, “all ears”. The conversation ends. Master Ben: Dad? Mr T: Yes? Master Ben: Is Ian…a retard? Because he can’t talk properly. Mr T: He’s Scottish. Next year the Scots vote on whether to stay in the Union. My

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Live Cricket, Graeme Swann and the dilemmas of Twitter

I have been debating whether or not to join Twitter on and off for several years. But yesterday I came as close to it as I have ever done. In fact, if I’d had my phone to hand I probably would have joined up. The reason for this? I felt the urgent need to communicate to England cricketer, Graeme Swann, and tell him to stop gobbing on the pitch and picking his nose. UGH. Look, women like cricket too. In fact, I used to play cricket. Badly. ( You may remember the consequences of a recent attempt to rekindle this interest here.) But even though I am a sporty type of gal and two of my sons are really sporty I categorically do not want to see constant close-ups of gobbing on the pitch. Nor do I want to see close-ups of nose picking, drilling out ear wax and adjusting

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A Post for Depressed Writers: Ten Reasons to be Happy and other random jolly thoughts.

I am sick to death of reading articles by depressed writers or writers pretending to be depressed. It’s so depressing I’m actually thinking about killing myself. Okay, maybe not: I like living too much. Living is interesting. You know – wine, sex, that kind of stuff. However, I am seriously beginning to wonder if some of these arty types are faking these depressions because they are everywhere. I mean everywhere. For example, I am minding my own business, humming and happily “researching” and I click on what looks like a jolly looking writer’s website which might have lots of useful tips and I find… I was depressed for years. My writing suffered: I couldn’t find my pen, my computer crashed and even my printer cartridges imploded. I became an alcoholic and addicted to chewing the ends of biros, smoking pot and watching Friends. I read Martin Amis. Finally, when I trapped my head in my

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The Wizard of Oz and too much skipping

Yesterday I was walking across the tennis car park with the Young Masters. This is the conversation that followed: Master Jacob: Mum, why is the Wizard of Oz so gay? Mrs T: (Slightly perplexed at the unexpected topic): Because it’s an old film. It was made long before the film studios decided every other film should be about shooting the crap out of each other in ‘Nam. Master Jacob: Oh. Mrs T: That was when movies had lost of dancing and skipping in. In the Wizard of Oz it went like this.. *Mrs T dances like Judy Garland on the yellow brick road* Master Jacob: (Eyes wide open, mouth aghast) Did they really do that? Mrs T: Yes. The Tin Man, The Lion, The Scarecrow and Dorothy all looped arms and danced down the yellow brick road. Come on then, let’s do it together! *Master Ben (laughing) and Mrs T skip off across the car park*

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One boy is difficult, two boys are trouble, three boys spells catastrophe

I have an almost piece of exciting news – I got an honourable mention in the Nerdwallet competition for my suggestions for Mother’s Day presents! In fact, I think I may have come close to winning as I got an email from Nerdwallet asking if I had duel nationality as the rules didn’t allow UK entrants – meaning I would ineligible for a prize if I couldn’t come up with some evidence. I thought about pretending I had some evidence – and then an image of Tony Blair appeared before my eyes and I remembered that lies are not always a good idea. (By the way, I was actually solicited to enter this competition so I was slightly naffed off at potentially missing out on a $1,000. I just thought I’d mention that as I don’t want to look a complete jerk for entering a competition that I wasn’t in fact eligible to enter.

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An Update on my Desk

Yesterday, I was reading an article over at Novel Spaces about personality types: going by the replies of other writers I worked out I was probably not your typical writer and I am definitely not a “Judging” personality type. (Unless we’re talking politics where I am happy to offer my judgements, especially ones that include the words “Labour,””Farcical” and “Over my dead body.”) The author of the article, Julie Luek, describes the judging personality as thus: Judging (J)—Enjoy a planned, organized lifestyle. High amounts of loose ends and unplanned interruptions will disrupt a judger’s sense of calm. They’re great with checklists and love the sense of completion of getting a task crossed off. Deadlines and a clean, organized workspace are comforting. This statement brought back to my mind the topic of my desk which has cropped up on this blog several times before. In my post I am a Fraud! I admitted to trying to hide the

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Another Eurovision Song Contest Disaster

So it was yet another Eurovision Song Contest failure for us Brits last night. We came in nineteenth position – out of the twenty-six finalists. I voted (in my mind only as I’m not prepared to waste my money on it) for Greece because of their high kicking dancing fiasco and also because the Greeks need a morale booster with all that economic mess they’re in. Now don’t go saying I shouldn’t have voted for the best song because no one does that in the Eurovision song contest anymore so I am justifying my actions for no other reason than blatant favouritism towards men in silly costumes. Also, I voted for Greece because the telephone operator kept rejecting my requests to vote for the Swedish meatballs. So costumes by Jean Paul Gaultier, tedious voting procedures from exhibitionist TV presenters, Greek dancing,  Swedish meatballs, a woman wearing a funeral wreath riding an imaginary bike, cheesy small talk and strained smiling akin to having a poker up the backside and Graham

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The Penny Farthing and The Best of the Best – especially for the gentlemen at The West Point Academy

I’m afraid I have to revisit the subject of the bike with one big wheel and one small wheel again. Bear with me. It’s not all repetition. Now since I first wrote about how Master Benedict asked me if I rode a bike with one big wheel and one small wheel when I was a child back in August 2011 this blog has been inundated with hits from people searching for the name of the bike with one big wheel and one small wheel. I subsequently enlightened the world with the correct terminology in my post The Bike with One Big Wheel and One Small Wheel . Later, as I was still so astounded by the lack of knowledge about the bike with one big wheel and one small wheel I wrote another post which, amongst other vague ramblings, talked about my ideas for a documentary on the subject. However, a strange and new development has begun to take

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Excuse me whilst I swear

A couple of blog posts ago I wrote about turning up at 8.20 am with my boys on the wrong day for their dentist’s appointment. Today, I forgot my own. Yes, at 9.28 am the dentists rang to tell me my appointment was at 9.20. What I want to know is – with my track record why don’t they just ring me an hour before? Okay – I know the answer – it’s because they charge you for missed appointments. Great. Now I’ve got two bills to fork out for. Humph. Excuse me whilst I swear. ***** ****! ! On an entirely different matter, my short story The Princess and the Thief is featured as a staff pick on the short story website ReadWave. I’m going to pat myself on the back because frankly I need to cheer myself up as I know I’m going to get yet another whopping dentist’s bill next week. Somehow,

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