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The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

Do odd things ever happen to you?

Do odd things happen to you? They seem to happen to me a lot. Take for example the following incident… If you remember I bought the good Mr T a special carpet cleaner for Christmas as his penchant for cleaning is one I am eager to encourage (so long as it doesn’t involve my participation). It was a special carpet cleaner that could get into all the nooks and crannies and being a sucker diligent husband the good Mr T duly cleaned the stair carpet and landing over the vacations. The result was I had a lovely clean carpet without so much as lifting a finger except for having to press the Add to Basket on Amazon. What could be better for a woman as dedicated to housework as I am? So on Monday morning I made a nice hot cup of  steaming coffee and I went upstairs to see Master Benedict who had a

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New Year Reflections on a Fictional Journey (Part One)

New Year is often a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the possibilities of what lies ahead. Normally, I write about what barking mad diet I intend to follow but this year I’ve decided to reflect on my writing journey and if you read my last post The Journalist you will discover how it came to be written. Many moons ago, at the outset of this blog, I posted the opening chapter to my first attempt at a novel. I wrote it sometime before I started this blog and long before I had gained any other writing experience. In fact, it was the first piece of fiction I’d written since I was at school. The novel was called Capital Crusader and my initial intention was to write a literary-style thriller which had been my preferred choice of reading material since a teenager. In the course of time, I duly sent three opening chapters and a synopsis to a critique agency. The

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Fun Romantic Fiction

Hey, it’s Christmas. I’ve not been around for a while. So here’s some fiction from my bottom drawer (ie it’s not my current work in progress) to keep you amused and to say thank you for coming to read my blog. I hope you enjoy it. Merry Christmas, Everyone. Wishing you all peace, love and laughter wherever you are in the world. The Journalist The dark closed in on her. She felt a delicate touch run up her leg, a predatory kiss sweep fleetingly across her lips. Warmth ebbed and flowed around her and a shiver of excitement, the anticipation of a new forbidden lover, tingled up her spine. “Your time’s up.” The doors of the flotation tank flew open. Robyn’s eyes sprang open for a brief startled moment as the light poured in to her capsule. She squinted and saw Cheryl’s inquisitive face looking down at her.             “Day dreaming again, Robyn?”            

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Yet More About Where’s Wally Onesies

Too many people are googling Where’s Wally Onesie and arriving here on my blog. I am assuming these people are just having a laugh and are not actually contemplating purchasing the said offending item of clothing. Either way, I am declaring a National State of Emergency.  Unfortunately, due to the poor mental health of a large number of people the stocks of Where’s Wally onesies are running incredibly low. However, if  you so desire and are happy to be carted off to the local asylum you can purchase the delightful alternative pictured above for the princely sum of £6.00 from supermarket chain, Asda. They will sit nicely in the trolley along with the loo rolls and fire-lighters.

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Christmas, Turkeys, Lofts and Sunday Drivers

Yes, I know I’m always banging on about Sunday Drivers. I can’t help it. They are the bane of my existence. So here we go again…. Christmas is coming. I know this, not because of the tinsel or the fairy lights or the fact that the radio is playing Fairytale in New York over and over again, but because the Sunday Drivers are out midweek. Yes, in the run up to Christmas Sunday Drivers actually leave their bungalows to venture out into the big wide world. The only other occasions during the year that they travel midweek are for their MOTs, doctor’s appointments and visits to the crematorium. (Not usually in their own car though.) Anyway, earlier this week I was stuck behind two Sunday Drivers (a group outing obviously) travelling at 40 mph on an A Road (60 mph speed limit). Usually when this happens I have to suppress the desire to conduct daring and suicidal overtaking manoeuvres. However,

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It was a simple task…but

I go to get the eggs out of the chickens’ nesting boxes. There are three eggs. As I pick them out my reading glasses fall off my head and down in between the nesting box and the lid of the hutch onto the floor of the cage.  So I balance the eggs on the plastic corrugated cover under the blue exterior sheeting and reach down: but there’s no way I can reach my glasses. Humph. I go inside and get the barbecue tongs. I come back out, remove the bricks and wood that are weighing down the blue plastic exterior sheeting and roll it back up over the nesting boxes. Then I remove the plastic corrugated cover underneath the blue exterior sheeting. The eggs which I’d forgotten about fall off the corrugated sheeting down alongside my glasses and then blue plastic sheeting unfolds and drops down covering my glasses with snow. Humph. I finally lift up

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Stop Press!

STOP PRESS!! The Value of Damien Hirst’s art has fallen by 30%! At last there will be room in the modern art circles for me to forge a career! In celebration of this long awaited and overdue news I am posting a celebratory piece of my own artwork which I think far exceeds anything Damien has produced. It is called Sunset over pail of shit. Sunset over pail of shit by J A Turley. Price on application.

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Fond memories of Larry Hagman and friendship

On the news this morning I read that the actor Larry Hagman, the evil villain of the Dallas TV series, has passed away after a battle with throat cancer. I’ve never been a fan of soap operas or long running TV series but Dallas is one the very few that I have watched more than most. Mainly this is because Dallas and its glamorous counterpart, Dynasty, were very popular with my girlfriends at university. We would often meet up in a friend’s room (she was fortunate enough to have a television in the days when it was still considered a privilege) and watch the weekly episode. It was a communal affair where relationships were built over cups of coffee, cheap biscuits and berating Larry or Joan for their latest misdemeanours.  They were good times. Larry Hagman 1931-2012 (Picture courtesy of Wikipedia) Life has changed a lot since my college days with access to TV shows available to anyone with a computer or a mobile phone. I suspect it is much easier for students – or indeed anyone-

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What are you getting your partner for Christmas?

I’m getting Mr T a carpet cleaner for Christmas for all those nooks and crannies that somehow I just don’t manage to clean very well. It’s a statement present. The unfortunate thing is that Mr T will probably like it. Apparently this Bissell machine is great for stairways and pet accidents.  I am looking forward to Christmas afternoon where instead of singing along to the The Sound of Music we will be arguing over how to fix the attachments. 

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Onesies II : You’d have to be a Wally to wear one

Do your remember Miss L? Miss L is my friend with whom I had a spat with over the actors Martin Shaw and Lewis Collins of The Professionals. Well, Miss L in response to my post You Are Kidding Me? Some Women Wear Onesies? emailed me to advise me that onesies for men ( a hideous concept)  featuring Wally from the Where’s Wally book series are on sale in a department store in the UK. What’s more, Miss L even offered to go in and make a purchase on my behalf. Naturally, my first thought was to de-friend Miss L on Facebook but then I came to my senses and remembered that Miss L really is a good friend and would not intentionally want to upset me with ghastly imagery of Mr T wearing a Where’s Wally onesie.(Although I still haven’t forgotten that Miss L has actually met Lewis Collins. And at some

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I Like Spam

I’ve been feeling a bit bored today. I have plenty to do though. In fact, too much to do which is why I probably can’t settle down to do anything in particular. The laundry, the ironing and the general  cleaning is screaming out at me as well as the possibility of a search and rescue mission for some old underpants in Master Jacob’s room which smells distinctly of vinegar. Curious. There’s also my book to continue which is now over 50,000 words. However, I just can’t settle to anything at all.  Nope. No can do. To use an English expression: I kinda have ants in my pants but due to boredom not excitement. Anyway, boredom usually leads in my case to depression. Not bi-polar which is for the celebs but the kind of depression that lead to chocolate digestives and strong cups of coffee laced with whiskey. Maybe even a doughnut or two. Or if I’m feeling really suicidal – filing my nails and actually

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Oh My! Ten Wholly Crap thoughts relating to Fifty Shades of Grey

1. As a child E L James was probably obsessed by Batman. This has obviously left her were a life long legacy of writing like a comic strip author with an obsession for gimp masks. 2. You can write wholly crap and still sell bucket loads of books. This is excellent news for any unpublished author. I am currently practising my writing techniques by watching the complete series of Batman. I am going to follow it up with Spiderman, The Incredible Hulk and Thunderbirds. This will ensure that any racy novel I may write in the future will feature lots of oversized men in tights wearing quaint little hats who can contort themselves into all sorts of positions. Kinky. 3. Cable ties are not just for cables. I truss up my Christmas turkey with cable ties but I now know some people truss each other up with them. The last time I was at the garden centre

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