In Defence of Thomas
Forget Thomas Hardy. Forget Dylan Thomas. Let’s talk about the Thomas who has made more impact than any of his namesakes. Let’s talk about Thomas the Tank Engine. I want to make one thing clear first. Nothing would make me happier than taking a flame thrower to Thomas or blowing him up with a stick of dynamite. You see, as the mother of three sons, over the last 18 years I’ve read every Thomas book and watched every spin-off video. I’ve even sat through that awful film starring Alec Baldwin which was like having pins stuck through my head. I’ve also trudged through countless engine sheds and had my bones shaken till I’m on the edge of a breakdown whilst enduring “fun” steam rides. In addition, I hold Thomas personally responsible for the time when pregnant with No 3 the miniature steam engine I was sitting on derailed. If that imagery isn’t enough to make you queasy, let me tell