Silly Olympian Thoughts
Do you remember Mrs N? She’s my friend who is also a tennis mum and who ages ago set me this challenge. Now she has set me another challenge – which is to write a paragraph about a picture which was doing the rounds on Facebook during the Olympics. Take a look: Break out the champers, Ladies. If your over 50yrs it maybe a long time before you see one this size again. Impressive. I can be succinct at times. Not often, I admit. But this is one of them. However, I think Mrs N was imagining more than a one word paragraph so I’ll have another bash. Actually, I should point out that I’m pretty sure this picture wasn’t photographed during the 2012 Olympics and was probably taken in Sweden (the clue is in Goteberg on his kit) which is the country where they wear funny hats and clogs and talk in strange voices –