2500 x 500

The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.


On Friday I was offered a temporary job until May 31st in London. The £522 trainfare per month is going to eat into my salary but it’s a job and gives me breathing space. The last few weeks have been hell. Some days I have felt physically sick knowing that in a few weeks time I would not be able to pay the bills. £72.00 a week job seekers allowance doesn’t go far. There were even a couple of days I had to force myself to get out of bed. The best I could manage was to scroll through the job sites and submit my CV and, at times, that took all my willpower. I had 18 days out of work but, for the main part, was unable to do anything but the barest of essentials. These are classic symptoms of anxiety and depression. Fortunately, I have enough self-awareness and

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Silence is not always Golden and the #Metoo campaign

Abuse comes in many forms. I’ve always been extremely discreet about my private life on this blog. However, with the #metoo campaign still gathering momentum I am reviewing whether I should stay silent much longer. Being discreet, protecting my children, hasn’t made my husband more cooperative or communicative. If anything staying silent allows him to keep viewing me as a doormat. If I didn’t have children there is no way I would put up with the crap I have done. I would have been gone like the wind. Over the last few days, there are been more revelations about abuse by Oxfam workers. It seems some workers were dismissed for their abusive and exploitative behaviour and others were given the chance to jump ship. The sexual abuse of women and children has been rife in the news for a good few years now. How disheartening to find out that it exists even amongst the

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Mission Impossible

The last few years have definitely felt like a mission impossible for me. And it’s not looking like its going to get much easier soon. However, at least I’ve got something to look forward to. Tom’s new movie! Awesome. He may well be nuts but most us are in our own way ( I think I qualify) and he makes a darn good movie. Sadly, I’ve still got to wait until July. Bah humbug.

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A Student Dilemma

I am currently in the social area of a large British university as Master Ben is on a day course. It is filled with chairs and tables and lots of plug sockets. It is a kind of social work place for the students with lots of nooks and crannies and even some private booths with large computer screens. I don’t recall anything like this in my day at Uni. There was a bar of course and a library but not really a social workplace. It’s a kind of relaxed place where you can meet your fellow students or lecturers for informal sessions or to work. There is also a cafe. So I set myself up to apply for jobs all day in a suitable spot. However, to my huge disappointment I discovered I’d forgotten the lead to my PC (my battery only lasts an hour at most) which would mean

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Practical Advice

Since I have some time on my hands I’ve come up with some practical advice to anyone struggling in a relationship. I’ve put a lot of thought into it as you will see. Here it is: As soon as your partner starts treating you like shit, dump them. It will not get better.  Boy, I think I could have a career in this counselling business! I’ve managed to sum up in two lines what it takes most self-help authors an entire book! Maybe I could write a book entitled Fifty Ways to Leave Your Spouse. This would consist of 48 repeated lines of: As soon as your partner starts treating you like shit, dump them. It will not get better. Followed by: Take all their credit cards. And slash their trousers discreetly in the crotch area so they don’t realise until they’re on The Tube and being arrested for indecent exposure.

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Looking forwards

Since I have more time on my hands I have decided I shall write a little. Today has been a really tough day. I didn’t sleep last night as I am feeling anxious and was bitterly disappointed at not getting the job I interviewed for yesterday. Had I got the role it would be a huge game-changer for me and my boys. But there’s no point thinking it over too much – that’s easier said than done of course so today has been a very tough day as I’ve tried to kick myself out of a negative mindset. So I’ve spent numerous hours wading through job sites looking for jobs that might fit. I’m trying to find one on an equivalent pay or more as taking a hit on the salary scale would be a major setback. I’ve bookmarked some recruitment consultants to pursue in the next few days. What

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When your best is not good enough

Sadly, positive thinking wasn’t enough. I did the best I could up against two internal much younger  male candidates. I actually thought when I came out of the room I might have got it. Apparently, it was a close run thing. Possibly. But I’m a 52 year old woman. I guess the odds were stacked against me no matter how well I performed. Now I have one month to find a job or the boys and I are in deep trouble. I’d like to think my husband would help out but he blatantly doesn’t give a shit. I’ve only just had a £200 contribution to my son’s £800 airfare that I paid back in November. Since then I’ve had his car insurance and breakdown cover and he’s not contributed to those at all. I feel sorry for my boys. I’m trying my very best and it’s just not good enough.

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Positive Thinking Please

I am a great believer in positive thinking. Even when the crap keeps coming your way. Okay, so I am being made redundant on Wednesday. It was moved a month forward (too long to explain) which has given me less time to find a job. Luckily, (or unluckily as it turns out) I was offered a job fairly quickly with the added bonus of a nice pay rise just before Christmas. But after having picked up the contract a few days ago I can only describe it as a “third world” contract. After discussions and alterations, I am still not happy.  I am not happy to the extent I have withdrawn my interest in the job as it has the potential to put me in an extremely vulnerable position. Frankly, I am shocked that such a contract even exists in the UK. So I have got another job interview on

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New Year Update

I have had a number of requests from different sources to update my blog so, finally, here I am. Firstly, I want to thank all those of you who have continued to pop over here over the course of the last year. It has been heartening to see that my blog has not been entirely abandoned and that people still want to read my musings or check on my wellbeing. Thank you all very much. So, the last year has not been easy. There have been many times I’ve wanted to let off steam on my blog. However, I decided that for the moment, at least, I will not directly write about the traumas I have been going through. I am not yet divorced, primarily because my life has been so chaotic with endless problems arising that I have not yet completed all the paperwork. But I shall be granted a

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Ideas, Please.

Okay, folks. Time to come out of the woodwork. I need ideas and themes to write about. Anything you fancy. Next week needs to be Humour Week on this blog so hit me with your ideas and I’ll see what I can come up with. Update: So I never got to write a Humour week. Unfortunately, life is just a little too complicated at the moment. However, feel free to list any ideas below so when my nightmare marriage is over I can get back to writing. I am hoping this will be before the end of the year. Please God let that be the case so I can start the year afresh!

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Still Alive and Kicking

Well the good news is I am still alive. I am also hideously bored at the moment at work so I am doing the inconceivable and writing a post. Unfortunately, my work hours are not the best and sometimes I have to work until 10.30pm. Not ideal as a now single parent. And whilst Master Ben is 16 he is not always the best at cooking himself tea. Sadly, this is the legacy of a marriage breakdown. Ah, well. I tried my best. And paid a heavy price. Anyway, on lighter matters my lovely son, Jacob, left to go the US on Wednesday on a tennis scholarship. It’s been an emotional few days as I am very close to my boys and whilst I was excited for Jacob that his new adventure was beginning, I was also very sad at his departure. Here’s a picture of Jacob (on the left)

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I am a humour writer

I am a humour writer I am a humour writer I am a humour writer I am thinking folks that if I keep telling myself I am a humour writer eventually my humour will return. Not that it ever really left but these days other priorities have to take place over indulging myself with cavorting around on the net or writing mentally challenging fiction. (I’ll let you decided in which way my fiction is mentally challenging.) The good news is I’ve had some awesome ideas and inspiration for some new novels. It may be some time before I get them down on paper but I predict new heights of stupidity on the comedy front and drama on the thriller front from me in the years to come. And we have a female PM to follow. And Brexit. And Jeremy Corbyn. And Diane Abbot. And Boris Johnson. And Donald Trump! Oh dear God. Could

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