W is for Whinging and Whining Authors – The Writers’ Curse No 2!
I am sick to death of reading articles by whinging, whining depressed writers or writers pretending to be depressed. It’s so depressing I’m actually thinking about killing myself. Okay, maybe not: I like living too much. Living is interesting. You know – wine, sex, that kind of stuff. However, I am seriously beginning to wonder if some of these whinging authors are faking their depressions because they are everywhere. I mean everywhere. For example, I am minding my own business, humming and happily “researching” and I click on what looks like a jolly looking writer’s website which might have lots of useful tips and I find… I was depressed for years. My writing suffered: I couldn’t find my pen, my computer crashed and even my printer cartridges imploded. I became an alcoholic and addicted to chewing the ends of biros, smoking pot and watching Friends. I read Martin Amis. Finally, when I trapped my head in my desk