Yes, I’ve finally caved in and signed up with Twitter. Now that my manuscript is out the big wide world accruing rejections, I thought I’d better join up with Twitter in case some big hot-shot literary agent pops in and thinks I’m not taking this writing business seriously. So I decided it was time for Twitter- cos let’s face it at my age offering sex for publication is not really a viable option. Apart from the fact that lots of literary agents appear to be women and I’m not a lesbian, I don’t think white, size eighteen thermal knickers would go down too well on the casting couch. So it has to be Twitter.
So here I am:
Now unfortunately, all the combinations of my blog title Witty Ways, Wayward Wife, Witty Wife etc etc as well as MY name were already taken. Pah! So in the end I just had to settle for @turleytalks for my twitter handle. I quite like it though and one thing’s for sure I do actually do a lot of talking. I just hope I don’t get sued. Fortunately, I’ve some wealthy relatives but I’m not sure if they’d cough up if I got sued for calling David Cameron a jackass.
Actually, I’d never call David a jackass; it’s not his fault he went to Eton.
I could call Piers Morgan a jackass though. That’s just true. You can’t be sued for the truth surely?
Anyone with knowledge of libel laws please get in contact asap. Thanks.
6 responses
If you're on Twitter, does that make you a twit?
Sorry, couldn't resist it….
No apologies necessary, Martin! I was a twit before Twitter so I should feel at home there!
Now if there was one thing that might make me join Twitter, it would be your tweets. I am sure you will soon have zillions of 'followers'.
To be honest, after a week or so Mrs B, I am pretty sure it is not for me. There's no real engagement and it's a matter of who can shout the loudest – ie post the most frequently and there's some terribly insincere people. It's a time suck. I like blogging best:)
Oh good! By the way, we are in good company: apparently, George Clooney is a Twitter 'refusenik'. Less is more!
I know Mrs B – I looked him up. Just some saddos pretending to be him and some obsessive fans. Not me obviously. I was just planning to send him my cupcake recipe.