2500 x 500

The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

A is for Anno Domini

So it’s the beginning of the A to Z challenge. It’s going to be a challenging month for me as due to my usual lack of diligence I have not prepared anything. This will probably be exacerbated by the fact that this particular month I also intend to petition for divorce which is the reason for the change to my blog title from The Witty Ways of a Wayward Wife to The Witty Ways of a Wayward Woman and from Housewife Extraordinaire to Creative Extraordinaire. However, I’m not set on “Creative Extraordinaire” so if any you have any zany ideas feel free to fire away. In fact, my original blog title was the result of a competition I had on my blog after I discovered my original title Jane Turley, Diary of a Mad Housewife was being used by a woman to rant about her husband.


All things considered, we’d better not go down that avenue. Let’s just say I am slightly more sympathetic to that blog writer than I was at the time! Even though some might consider me a fruitcake, I’m actually more responsible than some people think (well perhaps not whilst behind the wheel of car whilst reversing down my driveway) so I shall be reigning most of my angst in as, having read a lot of blogs over the years, its always been my thought that some things should be kept private. It’s a modern day phenomenon to let everything hang-out on social media. Of course, there are good sides and bad sides to this – I’ve have witnessed some incredible support amongst facebook friends and in the blogging world for people in turmoil – especially for my blogging friend Marie from Nourish who very sadly indeed died from cancer and complications from MS in August 2015.  Conversely, social media can have downsides: cyber-stalking, catfishing, and bullying can have very serious consequences. So when it comes to talking about the more serious side of my private life I’m cautious about writing about it directly. That said, all my life experiences contribute to my writing so I’ve no doubt that some of the pain I feel right now will materialize in my writing someday. Maybe one day in the future I’ll write a book called Fifty Ways You Can Stack Your Pans Without Interference.

Yeah, I’ve got to say that title really appeals. In fact, there’s a lot of potential humour in that one – maybe I can get it in the A to Z.

So anyway, as I would have been celebrating my 26th wedding anniversary on the 20th and a 31-year relationship, I’m thinking distracting myself with the A to Z is a good idea. Let’s just hope my sense of humour can see me through. Fingers crossed everyone!

Oh well moving on….

So I chose Anno Domini for my word(s) which means In the Year of Our Lord – or to simply things – the year Jesus was born. It was the beginning of a new life which changed the world. Now I’m not comparing myself with Jesus (although occasionally I have a beard) but I like the concept of a year of birth, of new beginnings.

So maybe this is my year of rebirth and new beginnings. In a sense it already is – the question is how well I cope and whether I am able to move forward. I think we all have an Anno Domini moment at some point in our lives and sometimes there’s no choice in the matter. This is mine. I probably, at best, have no more than twenty-five years left on this planet so I want to make the most of them – which is somewhat tricky when you been left up shit creek financially. I shall definitely have to rule out that retirement world cruise now. Blast. Maybe I can have a weekend in Brighton instead? I’ve always fancied seeing the Bright Lights – admittedly I’d had the bright lights of New York and Vegas in mind but as we say in the UK “beggars can’t be choosers“.

Hmm… maybe Brighton will be the place I knock out some mind-boggling piece of erotic chick lit and make a stack of cash. Maybe all that Brighton rock will give me inspiration. It certainly worked for Graham Greene. I’ll have to think of a good title though.

Maybe Brighton Cock? 

Okay….maybe not. That one might be a little too bold. Even for readers of EL James.

This is what happens in Brighton – in the nerd community. If I write a book
set in Brighton mine will be about a (male) dental hygienist who works undercover as a porn star.
A writer’s gotta start with the ideas somewhere…….

Well if you made it this far I thank you for your patience. This blog is usually very stupid and slapstick and this has been one of my more serious posts. I don’t know what the rest of the A to Z will bring but hopefully more laughter than tears.

One last thought, I did think about writing about the word “anal” but I thought that might be too daring for this year and put off a few readers. I’ll probably write about that next year though when things are flowing through me a bit smoother….

My previous A posts: A is for Air Guitar
                                   A is for Arses and Aidan Turner

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16 responses

  1. My fingers are crossed…
    I love the projected plot line! I would stand in line with Sorchia. 🙂
    Good luck to us all!

  2. Even though my blog is named "The Unknown Journey Ahead" for different reasons, I get how life can pull you in unexpected directions. I thought I was a pantser, but apparently, there are people even more pantser-like than I am. Good luck, walking your tightrope. And, on the serious side, I wish you the best with all those changes. Sometimes, you can only laugh or cry, and laughing does seem to work out better.

  3. Change often seems scary but can also be good. I hope your changes go smoothly but divorce can be a messy business. I think Creative Extraordinaire suits you. And Brighton Cock? Why not!

  4. New beginnings can be a wonderful thing – speaking from experience. 😉 Stopping by from A to Z. I'll be back. You've been warned.

  5. Very sorry about your impending divorce. I went through one, myself, in my twenties. And then I found my soulmate and the love of my life. Sadly I lost him almost three years ago. But keep your eyes open. You never know what it out there. I love your creative writing!!

  6. Hi Sorcha, I'm sorry to hear things may not be working out for you too as well:( I will keep my fingers crossed for you that any transition is as smooth as it can be. I will be over to check your blog sometime soon:)

  7. Delighted you enjoyed it Gossip Girl as its one of my more more posts! Hopefully as the days go by my creative juices will really start to flow:)

  8. hello fellow pantser – I shall be over to your blog to check it out sometime soon when I have more time and am not in a last minute pantser panic!

    Laughter is always the best medicine. That has always been my belief and why I decided to do the AtoZ this year- contemplating things that cannot be changed won't help me in my current predicament.

  9. Hello Wendy, it's lovely to see you here again – friendly faces are always welcome particularly right now:)

    Perhaps I'll stick to creative extraordinaire- I couldn't think of much else that worked at the time. I loved my tag line but it had to go – I'm kinda sad to lose it after 10 years but it had to be done….

  10. I'm glad it all worked out for you Barbara:) I would have liked it to have worked out for me but it was just not possible. Ah well. Best to look forwards now and not back…

  11. Hello Paula, lovely to see you again:)
    I'm glad you enjoy my creative writing. It's kept me going through some tough times. Hopefully I can keep it up over the next month…

    I'll be over to check out your Ato Z soon. 🙂

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