There was a young man called Zachary
Who invented a very big battery
One day it corroded
Ruptured and exploded
And blew Zachary into lots of tiny tiny pieces
Well I like to experiment with everything on this blog. Poetry is obviously is not my forte. Although perhaps slightly better than my haikus.
Oh well. You can’t win ’em all.
A is for Arses and Aidan B is for Bullshit C is for Chinese Crispy Duck and the Conservative Party. D is for Diarrhea, Dinosaurs and Depauperation E is for Eulogy for the Earth F is for Ferrero Rocher G is for Guns and Girls H is for Hope and Horny Jelly Men
I is for Igloos, Ignorance and Iguanas J is for Jason Statham K is for Kings and Kinkiness
I is for Igloos, Ignorance and Iguanas J is for Jason Statham K is for Kings and Kinkiness
L is for Love, Loss and Laughter, M is for Moaning and Monopoly, N is for No, O is for Oranges P is for Johnny Potato VC R is for Random Musings, S is for Snot T is for thongs U is for Uranus V is for Voters and Voting, W is for “W” words that really annoy me , X is for “X” the kissable letter, Y is for bloody awful noise called Yodelling
7 responses
Delightful and funny! That's all that matters.
~ We made it!!! ~
Visit me at: Life & Faith in Caneyhead
I am Ensign B of Tremps' Troops
with the A to Z Challenge
You got there! Well done. Thanks for leaving me so many comments even at some ungodly hour of the morning. (Or are you somewhere in a different timezone, no wait a minute that's probably just you! lol) It's appreciated.
I'll take Chinese and an order of Crispy Duck. But then, I seem to be stuck on C and we've passed on to Z and I never even managed to get to your delightful blog. Won't make that mistake again.
Thanks for reading, Barbara. Sorry about the late reply. I have been away for a few days and hope to catch up with a few blogs now:)
I was in the UK Wendy – away at a tennis tournament though with my youngest son. The hotel was a dive and very noisy so I tried to to put my sleepless hours to good use! Likewise, thanks for reading and supporting my blog throughout the A to Z. It was fun despite those few anxious time-pressed ones that nearly didn't make it!
Thanks for dropping by Clee. I am afraid I am going to be one of the late readers too! I did all my post on the day (often very late at night!) which didn't leave much time for reading and commentating with all the other stuff I had on in April. I am looking forward to checking some of the other blogs out though. Almost all of the original blogs I read back in 2007/8 have died out so I am really looking forward to finding some new eclectic reads:)
Thanks for dropping by Entrepreneurial Goddess:)