2500 x 500

The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

Writing For A Good Cause

Today, I am breaking away from the usual silliness on this blog to introduce you to Legend Press author, Linda Huber. A few months ago, Linda spontaneously bought and reviewed my novel and since then we have become Facebook friends. It was through one of those fleeting Facebook feeds, and quite by chance, that I noticed Linda was contributing to an upcoming charitable anthology. The two beneficial charities rang bells with me and I immediately decided I wanted to support Linda and her writing partners in their very worthwhile cause. Today, I’m leaving it to Linda to introduce the anthology but later in the week, as well as reviewing the anthology, I shall be telling you why supporting Linda’s endeavours is personal to me. In the meantime, and with no further ado, here’s Linda…

Hi everyone and first of all huge thanks to Jane for
letting me loose on her blog this week… (brave woman). The bad news is she’s
much funnier than me, but there’s good news too – I’m here to tell you about
the PERFECT Christmas present for all those difficult mums and aunties. Yes, I
know the dads and uncles are even trickier but as you won’t have to worry at
ALL now about the female side of the family, you’ll have lots of extra time to
plan for the men…

What is
it, I hear you ask? It’s a book called Winter
; an anthology, to be exact. Full to bursting with light-hearted,
romantic, humorous stories, and the best bit of all is that every penny made by
this book goes straight to the Teenage Cancer Trust and The Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
The project was organised by a group of romance writers called The Write Romantics. They
wrote some of the stories, and for the others they drafted in people like me.
(My usual genre’s suspense). 
I was really, really pleased to be
part of this because as a physiotherapist I’ve worked with both cancer and CF
patients. Cancer needs no introduction; Cystic Fibrosis is a horrible disease
affecting mostly the lungs and the digestive system. It’s genetic, you have it
from birth, and although it used to be a death sentence sufferers can now live
well into adulthood –  though not a day goes by when they can forget their

Winter Tales  stories to warm your heart, is currently £2.52 on Amazon  Kindle and £6.00 in paperback. In the US it is $3.95 on Kindle and $7.20 in paperback.
So Winter
 is a nice, funny, romantic book supporting two excellent causes.
And we like humour, don’t we, us Brits, even when we’re talking about something
as serious as cancer. We’re famous for that. I live in Switzerland, and I get
quite a lot of odd looks from people, followed by the careful question ‘Is that
British humour?’ And usually it is. Mind you, my story in the anthology,
‘Something Blue’ (as in Something Old, Something New etc), was inspired by a
wedding right here in Switzerland when the fire brigade played quite big part
in proceedings…

I think
too that a bit of humour doesn’t go amiss even when you’re writing suspense. My
new(ish) book The
Cold Cold Sea
 is about every parent’s worst nightmare. But my cast of
characters includes a school class of five-year-olds, and it’s these kids, who
all have names – I was terrified we’d edit one of them out by mistake – who
provide the light relief. Just by being nice funny little kids. A sense of
humour can help us through many an unfunny situation.

“Disturbing and compelling” Hilary Johnson.

So there you have it. Winter
is available on Amazon in e-book and paperback, and buying a
copy or two or three or forty will help two excellent causes. I’ll be getting a
few myself – please join me!


               Please share this post and help support The Teenage Cancer Trust and The Cystic Fibrosis Trust.

Thank you!

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