I give in. I’ve been trying to hold off. But I don’t think I can hold back any longer. The excitement and intrigue is just too great.
All that gossip, scandal and name-calling.
Sometimes a woman’s gotta do what a woman’s gotta do.
So, I just bought KP’s autobiography in hardback. Cos there’s no way I can wait till June 2015 for the paperback and I’m not paying £7.47 for the Kindle version.
I’m a hard woman to please, Kevin. So this had better be good for £9.00.
Yep so it seems even cricket players can be bitchy. It comes as no surprise to me.Two of my sons have played junior county cricket. The only difference is at junior level it’s the ambitious parents you have to watch out for. I’m still reeling from the fourteen daggers in my back and the toxic berry juice at tea.
Great cover by the way. Kev. (Cough, cough.)