Master Benedict: I need to find a three word poem, print it off and take it into school.
Mrs T: You mean, a three line poem. A haiku?
Master Benedict: Yes, that’s right. A haiku.
Mrs T: Let’s look on the net.
Mrs T pulls up some haiku websites
Mrs T: How about this one?
Master Benedict: It’s crap.
Mrs T: Yes. How about this one then?
Master Benedict: That’s crap too.
Mrs T: Hmm..yes it is. This one?
Master Benedict: No.
Mrs T: This one?
Master Benedict: No.
Mrs T: This one?
Master Benedict:They’re all crap!
Mrs T: Umm..yes. Most haiku is crap.What about this one ?
Master Benedict: I suppose it will have to do.
Beans are kind to hearts.
I like to eat them daily.
And then do big farts!
Master Benedict: It’s still crap.
Mrs T: Yes.
2 responses
It's not three words, but I was once at a poetry reading (yes, I was young) and a poet read this out.
Sex Education
The cat
On the cat.
Now that's good one, Isabelle! LOL.