Why is it that on one of the very few mornings I have overslept in my entire life it is the one morning I had booked an 8 am dentist appointment?
I am still getting over the shock that the boys have gone to school and Mr T has gone to work with without waking me.
The dentists have now given me a cancellation for 8 am tomorrow. Please God let me remember.
Anyway, I have done a quick survey of the house: I am not convinced the boys have had any breakfast, brushed their teeth or, in Master Ben’s and Mr T’s case, taken a packed lunch – although there is a rogue plastic container on the kitchen cabinet. I think that’s as far as they got before the effort of making a sandwich proved too much.
Nobody had remembered to let out Miss Agatha, our last remaining chicken, into the garden. She was lodging a formal protest which roughly translated went like this:
w******! No eggs for you anymore w******!
Other random news:
I came back from a coffee with two friends on Tuesday and, as I pulled up the drive, I saw a plastic bag on the doorstep. I wondered whether one of my neighbours had left me either sawdust for Miss Agatha’s hutch or some apples for a pie. I was hoping for the apples but would have been very happy with the sawdust.
The bag contained six cans of Lynx spray-on deodorant.
Is someone trying to tell me something?