If “procrastination” was a name it would be mine. But it’s not. However, I am thinking of changing my blog sub heading from “The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Mrs Jane Turley, Housewife Extraordinaire” to:
The often lazy, socially inept and mainly slothful musings of Mrs Jane Turley, Procrastinator Extraordinaire.
I cannot believe how lazy I have been lately. I have done virtually nothing productive the last couple of weeks apart from write the odd random musing which has taken less time to write than it takes me to do my daily chores. (Generally about twenty minutes.) All around me I’ve seen other writers publishing books, working on additional manuscripts, flailing book reviewers and occasionally paying homage to somebody called Chuck Wendig. Who this person is I have absolutely no idea but I think he might be a Scottish caber tosser.
Anyway, I feel like a slob. If I was a man I’d looked like this:
New Website
After 18 years on another CMS, I have moved my blog to a more versatile platform. However, it will take some time while I perform some jiggery-pokery to get it exactly how I want it. So please bear with me as things fall off the page, are posted upside down and so on. It has also beome apparent that I will have to edit hundreds of posts as importing them has screwed up all the post layouts, especially paragraphs. This
2 responses
This is my haiku
And this is the second line
That was my haiku
Mrs A – Brilliant. I do not in this instance think I can beat you at sheer creativity. I will try is my duty, but I believe that this time around I will not succeed.