I am currently on a rollercoaster of emotions.
On the whole, I believe I have coped admirably well give the unenviable situation I was left in 20 months ago.
There have been times of utter despair though. No doubt about that.
Currently, I am working out my notice for my present job. Work has been the one thing that has kept me going over the last 20 months. Focusing on doing a good job, building a career again has been very important. Not just for financial reasons. So it has been a huge disappointment that my current role has not worked out. I feel angry too as I invested a lot of time and energy and took a big hit with trainfare to pursue it and I don’t really feel I’ve had the support I should have done.
Consequently, my emotions are all over the place. The trouble is when new troubles arise they trigger off the old ones and the whole situation escalates into an overwhelming rollercoaster of emotions. It can be very debilitating.
I am trying to write my way out of the situation. I am now 30,000 into a new book and I have 6 more working days to go in my job. I wonder how much I can write in that time?
3 responses
Admirable you can channel your angst into something productive. Life is grand and bewildering, eh?
Hopefully these last days will pass quickly and writing will keep you distracted.
All the best for your new job and your new book.