Now if you are an oldie like me you may thinking “ghosting” is what happens at midnight in a spooky old house.
Apparently not. It is a term now used for when people you’ve dated just disappear on you. No email, no text, no letter or last minute call. They just disappear and you never, ever hear from them again.
I believe it’s actually a term derived from David Cameron’s departure from 10 Downing Street.
I fancy to do some political ghosting too. I’m planning to write to Tony Blair and say I’d like to donate 5 million to his foundation if he’ll drop his trousers on Horse Guard’s Parade during a live TV broadcast.
I reckon he’d actually do it for less but 5 million is a nice round figure.
Then I’ll ghost him. Obviously.
Maybe I’ll do it to Tom Cruise too. Tell him I’ve discovered an elixir for growth. And when he’s transferred me the cash I’ll slip off to the Caribbean in my yacht.
Ah sweet dreams.
2 responses
Jane, you inspired me. I just wrote my first of my own A to Z post on my long dormant blog. Thanks for the shove. O.
You can ghost Tom all you like but please don't make us suffer seeing Tony Blair lol