In previous years on the A to Z, I finished off with some spectacularly bad poems: Zachary the Inventor and Ziggy the Zoologist. This was mainly because I couldn’t think of any other word other than “zoo” which is not very impressive for someone who purports to be a writer. However, this year I have actually thought of a Z word which needs discussing!
Be afraid, be very afraid!
Unfortunately, a number of my Facebook friends appear to be nutter mode too. Some of them have
been banging on and off about the injustice of Brexit in various ways for months. There’s no other way to say this – but their ranting is like being boxed in the ears indefinitely. Now, contrary to what you folks might think, I am actually pretty discreet about my political opinions on FB because, unlike this blog which is very much my own personal space, I don’t see Facebook as a forum for sounding off about my political opinions and hacking off the majority of my friends who just want to see nice pics and be generally supportive of each other.
Yeah so since this is my space, I can come straight out and say it – the Facebook zealots are mainly (okay they were ALL) opposers to Brexit or to the present government. Somehow, they all suddenly seem to be experts on European politics and economics! Huh? How can this be? In fact, I’ve noticed it seems a common trait in Remoaners generally to have a ridiculous level of self-righteousness that couldn’t get any bigger without shoving a large poker up their asses. Several times over.
Now I enjoy a good political argument but it’s impossible to have a reasoned argument of any sort with a zealot. It’s a complete waste of time attempting to discuss anything which might otherwise prove interesting or enlightening with someone with opposing views but who is less zealous. You might as well go and do something more constructive like clean the loo or put the bins out. Generally, I just let out a large groan when I see another one of their moaning posts. I suspect most of their other friends do too, even those on the same political wavelength.
Anyway, it’s not really their political opinions which irk me. There’s nothing wrong with having passionate ideals and without people who are highly motivated by injustice some of the biggest political and social changes in history would never have happened. But, let’s face it, European politics and economics is not such a clear cut issue as, for example, the abolition of slavery or the Suffragette movement. So what really annoys me about these new pro-European zealots is the way in which their opinions are written – mostly in a condescending, “holier than thou” manner which is extremely
offensive to anyone who might hold the opposing view. Some of the insinuations, in particular against those who have might have supported Brexit, have suggested that those who support it are bigoted, dim, uneducated, xenophobic etc etc etc.
Oh really? All of them? Huh?
Now I can’t proclaim to be a saint when it comes to throwing insults (obviously) as I do it regularly on my blog but, in my defence, I only do it to people who I consider fair game and who, in the very unlikely event they ever stumble across this blog, would be unlikely to be concerned about a few jokes by an insignificant blogger.
Anyway, what it boils down to is I’m fed up with these know-it-alls. I’m at the point where I might actually rise to the bait or just delete them from Facebook. I like seeing pictures of fluffy cats on my timeline, reading personal success stories and seeing what daily stuff folks are getting up to! If I want to read political discussions I can hang out at The Guardian or The Telegraph and if I just want some pictures of giant arses (political or otherwise) I can hang out at The Mail.
So that wraps up the A to Z. I didn’t think I do it this year with all that’s going on in my life. But I did.
Onwards and upwards as they say.
If you’ve call into my blog during the A to Z and I’ve not dropped by your’s yet I’ll be playing catch up over the next week or so. In the meantime, keep blogging!
3 responses
Z is for Zealot
I am not even going to pretend I know the issues for you regarding Brexit. I can say that in our elections last year I saw people get all caught up in social media rhetoric that add almost no basis on reality. I don't think most people realize that the "news" reports on social media are seldom grounded in facts. Of course now days, it is hard to find any reliable news outlet.
The AtoZ is over! Time now for about 12 hours sleep. Life & Faith in Caneyhead
High five! Go hibernate for May, you made it through April. Well done. You weren't even a zealot about it, you just did what you promised yourself you'd do. And finished with a flair.