I thought why not just post a piccy of myself!
New Website
After 18 years on another CMS, I have moved my blog to a more versatile platform. However, it will take some time while I perform some jiggery-pokery to get it exactly how I want it. So please bear with me as things fall off the page, are posted upside down and so on. It has also beome apparent that I will have to edit hundreds of posts as importing them has screwed up all the post layouts, especially paragraphs. This
8 responses
Nice pic. Now that you have something more current, perhaps you could update your avatar? 😀
Thanks G and good idea. Do you think the slightly mad look is more appealing?:)
This is a much nicer picture than the one you posted a couple of weeks ago. You know, the one with the mad eyes and the axe? That will stay in my mind for quite a while…
Thanks Martin. Whilst the picture above is the real me – the axe looney probably bears a closer resemblance to my personality. God help anybody who gives me a one star review!
Nice photo. That's the one for the book blurb!
Do you think so, Mrs B? Not one of me looking all serious, one hand underneath my chin and the other holding a quill with a bottle of antidepressants placed strategically on a neat and tidy desk?
Hmm – I'm perplexed. I thought the tortured look would go down well.
The happy look then?
It has to be the way to go. The house and car in the background need to go, obviously. We're looking for a Jackie Collins/Jilly Cooper ambience. There needs to be a swimming pool in the sunshine and a hunk bringing you some girly cocktail. Sweet and salty, you see!
Golly, I'm good. I should have gone into PR ….
I'm liking that image, Mrs B. I'm not sure it's exactly truthful as with my current royalties all I can afford is a birdbath in the background, a cardbaord cut-out of some hunk and a plastic cup of diet lemonade:D