Oh cripes.
Oh cripes.
Oh cripes.
Oh cripes.
I just read about a woman who planned her wedding day for TEN WHOLE years – even though she hadn’t even met her husband to be.
Is that normal??? Answers on a postcard please – but if you want to write a thesis go ahead. You could get a doctorate out of it. I know I could.
I reckon I could turn that idea into a novel. Yeah, imagine that. It would probably be a psycho-thriller of course.
Although it could also be erotica – only instead of the heroine making out with a Christian Grey type of character she self-flagellates with copies of Brides Weekly or Good Housekeeping.
What d’you reckon?
You know, I was feeling kind of low today. A bit bored, a bit depressed. Perhaps even on the edge of tucking into a forbidden chocolate bar. Now I know what to do to keep myself occupied – I’m going to start planning my funeral. Now that should be a real laugh.
2 responses
I think mine was about five months worth of planning. 'Course, I was just along for the ride.
You daredevil G!!!