So we’ve got to keep flogging haggis in our English supermarkets.
I knew those cunning Scots were just trying to get my hopes up about us banning haggis imports.
Now, if we can have a referendum on Europe, we’ll look even more like a democracy. Cameron’s promised one in 2017, if he gets re-elected.
So that’ll give Cameron and his cronies two years to convince us the rest of Europe really cares about us.
Good luck with that one, David.
Yes, I know I shouldn’t be cynical. The truth is, I am all for European unity. I’m a liberal, forward-thinking kind of person. In fact I’m more than happy to see an exchange of imports and exports.
We’ll take some Belgium chocolate and the rest of Europe can take the haggis.
Seems only fair.
The French can keep Gerard Depardieu as well. Apparently he drinks 14 bottle of wine a day and recently was caught urinating in an air-plane aisle.
That’s the sort of problem we can do without. It would give a whole new meaning to word “Easyjet.”