So I am in the final stages of preparing my novel The Changing Room for publication, and I will be announcing a release date very soon. In the meantime, here’s a taster of what’s in store with the first public airing of the cover by the very talented, Gracie Klumpp.
New Website
After 18 years on another CMS, I have moved my blog to a more versatile platform. However, it will take some time while I perform some jiggery-pokery to get it exactly how I want it. So please bear with me as things fall off the page, are posted upside down and so on. It has also beome apparent that I will have to edit hundreds of posts as importing them has screwed up all the post layouts, especially paragraphs. This
4 responses
When's it available Jane? Can't wait to read it.
At the moment, if all goes to plan, I will probably launch it the first week of June, Byron. I'll know shortly. The Kindle version might be available before then but I will only start to publicize when the paperback is available as I intend to do the Amazon Matchbook scheme as an opening promotion. "Buy the paperback and get the ebook for next to nothing! Give one as a present and keep the other to remind you never to buy from this author again!"
How am I doing?:D
I think Blogger ate up my last comment, but just in case it didn't, you'll have two to choose from…I like the funky cover!
Thanks G:) I have to say one the best things about-self publishing has been working with my designer to create my vision for the cover. It's been a thoroughly enjoyable process which I wouldn't have had with a traditional publisher.
I'd happily hand over all the over the stuff, like formatting, to a third party though:D