Oh. Dear. God. I am in serious trouble, Readers.
My ironing pile has spiralled out of control. (I’m not even mentioning the dirty washing pile.) I have no idea where to start. I look in the utility room and I just want to die. Or at least get therapy.
I’m not sure if I can afford the therapy but I’m pretty sure that Mr T will wring my neck when he opens his wardrobe tomorrow morning and finds there isn’t shirt.
I hate ironing. How do some people run ironing businesses? I would rather swim naked in a large pool of sewerage than iron for a living.
I was not destined to be a housewife. I was destined to be something else. Maybe a taxidermist. At least then I’d have somewhere to stuff my laundry out of sight.
Help. |
10 responses
Me,too. I share your disdain for laundry. My husband packs it all up every other week and takes it away to lady who, for ten little dollars, miraculously turns the dirty pile into a stack of clean folded clothing, sheets, and towels. I love my laundry lady.
What happened to the Great Morrisons Shirt Experiment?
I love her too, Carmen. And she doesn't even do my laundry! A woman such as your laundry lady is truly a gift from Heaven!
I am still working on it, Mrs A. I have managed to do it several times but need to get have a set plan. Deliver on Monday, collect on Thursday etc etc. The weekends have been extra busy of late with tennis which means I have been even more incompetant than usual….
Whoa… that does NOT look fun. And ironing shirts… ugh.
I don't know what I would do without my wife. Well, I do, but it wouldn't be pretty.
Not from this quarter. I have to battle through a similar laundry room because my mother does her laundry the same way she cooks: very badly.
I want a wife too, Mike!
I'm not sure what that means. But Mr T may not be pleased…
It seems your mother and I share a lot of similarities, G. Maybe she and I are related in some way!
Brilliant photo. It's just so … real. I am so fed up with looking for a house to buy (and not finding one). Along the way, there are the photos of rooms which range from show home (new furniture with a tall vase with a twig in it) to 'lived in' by people who are never there (used furniture, no tall vases with twigs in cluttering the place up). It's like a parallel universe …
Keep those blogs coming, Mrs T. I'm working through your recent ones. There's been a gap as I switched to Google Chrome and lost all my bookmarked pages. D'oh!
I'd love to live in an uncluttered home with a vase with a singular twig in it, Mrs B. Oh sweet dreams!
Unfortunately, I'm stuck with my laundry hell hole. It never seems to get any better….