2500 x 500

The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

Blogging A to Z: N is for No

Saying “No” is not always easy. People can get very upset when you say “No” abruptly. That’s why I find it easier to soften the blow in tricky situations. Here’s a few examples:

Q.  Do you fancy going to bed early? ( *cough, cough* )
A.  I haven’t washed for three days but I’m game if you are.
Q.  Have you ironed my shirts?
A.  Which one were you thinking of?
Q. Can I have an Xbox One, Mum?
A. Is that for Christmas next year?
Q. Mum, will you pay my rent?
A. I’ll have to ask your father but I warn you, he’s in a bad mood.
Q. Mum, can we go on holiday this year?
A. It’s not safe abroad. They don’t have proper toilets and the people speak funny languages.
Q. Can we go to America then? I’m sure they have toilets and speak English.
A. You shouldn’t believe everything you see on the telly.
Q. You know that story you tell about being related to the Queen. Is it true?
A. Yes.
Q. What about that story about you wrestling with an alligator? Is that true?
A. What is it with all these questions? It’s like the Spanish Inquisition. Haven’t I always told you to respect your elders?
Q. Is that a yes or a no?
A. I can’t hear you. I think I’m losing my hearing.
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New Website

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A Chicken Nugget A Day Keeps Justice Away

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Less is More (well that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it)

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Are You Having A Laugh?

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8 responses

  1. I'm usually pretty good at saying no to the kids if I need to – just keep repeating it or ask them which part of no do they not understand. I just wish I could do it with everyone else lol

  2. Love this. I have a one-year old grandson that I babysit M-F. I told a friend that he may think his name is "no' and not Charlie. If he grows up like his Dad, he will have tons of questions and then argue with me about the answers. Stopping by from A to Z.

  3. Hello Barbara and welcome to my blog.

    You are absolutely right – saying no can definitely save your sanity. I don't think it comes easy for some people though – I'm getting better. No doubt when I am really old (if I get that far) I will be consummate at it and become one of those very stubborn old grannies whose children moan about them not listening to common sense!

  4. Yes kids are easy compared to some adults, Wendy. Some adults happily accept an abrupt no but for others you need kid gloves. Those one can be a bit draining. I used to work with a lot of men – I found it easier to be abrupt with them than some of my female colleagues. Our female hormones don't help!

  5. Welcome, Denise:) You're a brave woman to babysit M-F! I've already warned my eldest (he's 23) that if has children I won't be available for regular childcare as I've suffered enough already in the line of duty:D

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