2500 x 500

The often dubious, politically incorrect and mainly humorous musings of Ms Jane Turley, (Ex) Housewife Extraordinaire.

Cursed with a Fat Arse… and other stuff.

Okay, so you may have noticed that this blog has been fairly inactive for a while…which is basically not like me as I always have something (stupid) to say. Basically, my absence is because since I developed a hiatus hernia, with very unpleasant side effects, I’m trying to get on top of it and avoid an operation by doing things the natural way by changing my diet and losing weight. Losing weight has been a preoccupation of mine for about the last 25 years and one that I find incredibly difficult – I’m one of the unfortunate women who work really hard at it but have very little success and as soon as I ease up from a very rigid diet or cut back on exercise (by which I mean less than 5 times a week) the weight piles back on.

For example – yesterday I did a zumba class, forty minutes on the cross trainer, forty minutes in the pool and an hour on my bike whilst watching the telly in the evening. I am on a strict diet which includes no tea, coffee, alcohol, squash, fruit juices, sweets, chocolates, biscuits, cakes, anything rich, creamy, spicy and mainly consists of one hundred percent healthy stuff except pretzels which seem to be one of the few “luxuries” that don’t cause a problem with my hernia.

So it was with expectation that I got on the scales this morning – and to my despair I weighed only 0.4 of a lb less than I weighed two days ago. So it seems that, despite every good intention, I am cursed with a fat arse.

Sadly, this is not my arse. I’d like to have this arse but I am one of those women who has been curse with a “personality “
instead . Frankly, I’d rather have a nice arse. I’m sure Mr T would prefer it if I had a nice arse too. In fact I ‘m sure he’d be delighted to exchange my “personality” for a arse that looks good and doesn’t talk back. 

Now I know all the stuff there is to know about muscle/fat, exercises, nutrition and let me say that for some people doing all the right things still does not bloody well work. So to anyone who says I’m still eating too much or not exercising enough – screw you! (Sorry about that – I’m feeling quite vitolic this morning and it was either write a blog to let it out or take a sledgehammer to my bathroom scales.)

Okay, so that’s my rant over.

Anyway, in order to make up for my absence I’ve signed up for the 2015 A- Z Blogging challenge in April where I’ll be blogging every single day on a subject relating to the alphabet. Now if you’re not sure what this means it will be as follows…on April 1st I shall be blogging about a topic beginning with the letter A, on April 2nd it will be on a topic beginning with B and so on….

As I’m inherently lazy, (apart when it comes to exercise which is a necessity)  I shall not be planning any of these posts but flying by the seat of my pants. However, if anyone wants to nominate a topic please feel free to do so.

Now in addition to that news, I have loads of other news, gossip (and more rants!) to impart but the first of those will have to wait till tomorrow as I have to haul my arse around the block and fill-out a self-assessment tax form which I’ve never done before and have no idea how long it will take. Filling out my earnings from writing should take about five seconds but if I have to list my expenses that could take days – so my advice to anyone thinking about self-publishing and wanting to take it seriously (ie create a professionally produced book in the same manner as a traditional publisher would and market it accordingly) is –  getting a well-paid 9-5 job and being able to afford some nice holidays beats the hell out of being a writer. At the moment I have no idea how I’m going to fund my next book – there’s only so much cash in the kitty and I will have used up my quota with The Changing Room. I do, however, have some exciting news about my book coming up which, God willing, will help me turn the corner from obscurity and sell a few books.

We’ll just have to see what the future holds…

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4 responses

  1. Glad to see you signed up for A to Z. I'm a physical education professional and I have to tell you that a .4 pound difference in only a few days is pretty good. That's a pound per week which is awesome. And a fat arse is so much healthier than a fat belly which is where most people store fat.
    I'm thinking the same thing about taxes. Two seconds for earnings and three pages for expenses.

  2. Apologies for the late reply, Susan. So a belated Welcome to my blog! I'm afraid I have been absorbed in the tax return (now done) and working out. I know in ordinary circumstances a 1lb week is good but I need to lose faster to see if weight loss will be enough to make the side effects of my hernia subside. Otherwise it might be an op.
    Ps – I have a fat belly too:D

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