Apparently, many people are more aware of their dreams at the moment because they are resting and sleeping more. Some dreams appear to be related to the pandemic in that they feature, perhaps obscurely, death, fear and isolation. Others are less obvious and related to parts of our lives we are missing during the pandemic – like food for example.
This makes complete sense. However, I am someone who generally doesn’t sleep that well but I do occasionally have quite vivid, obscure and often frightening dreams. Sometimes I experience sleep paralysis.
Last night, I had an entirely different dream. I rarely dream about people in the public eye. The last one was Hugh Grant. (Hey ho.) But last night I dreamt about Boris Johnson, our PM, currently laid up in hospital with Coronavirus.
Basically, I dreamt I was having sex with Boris. I have no idea what this means (other than I am probably very, very desperate for sex.) However, I am somewhat relieved Boris is making a recovery. It would have been awful if his condition had continued to worsen. I would have felt guilty somehow – killed by my enthusiasm for sex!
On balance, I suppose because Boris has been mentioned in the news 24 hours a day for weeks perhaps it’s not surprising. We are also the same age so I suppose somehow I was willing him to live as a reflection of my own life and mortality.
Still, sex with Boris? I don’t even fancy him! I think I need to see a psychiatrist. LOL.
4 responses
I think you're definitely desperate for sex if you're dreaming about that and Boris Johnson in the same dream! lol
I am relieved to read that Boris Johnson is recovering. I am also remembering more dreams these days. Most are disturbing and war like. I'd like to have some children's books-like dreams thank you! Have a good weekend and take care!
Sometimes dreams aren't as literal as we take them. People represent others, acts represent something else. There could be other interpretations.
I hope you and yours are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.
J Lenni Dorner~ Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference& Speculative Fiction Author
Intercourse with Boris? That doesn't sound too fun HAHA!