I’m having a sleepless night. So I decided to whizz around the net and look at the headlines. Firstly, I went to The Mail because it’s a light read and at 3 am as super intelligent as I am (that’s irony by the way) my brain is not up to reading Dostoevsky. Big mistake – Demi Moore is back in the headlines. What is it with The Mail and their obsession with Demi Moore? Anyway, apparently Demi has an age-defying body and wears a bikini. Big deal. I have age-defying sense of humour (it’s still childish) and wear thermals. I think I’ll make whole article out of it for my blog and stick in twenty pictures of me in my PJs taken from every conceivable angle. I mean you all want to see my arse in flannelette PJs taken with a long distance lens from the top of a coconut tree don’t you?
New Website
After 18 years on another CMS, I have moved my blog to a more versatile platform. However, it will take some time while I perform some jiggery-pokery to get it exactly how I want it. So please bear with me as things fall off the page, are posted upside down and so on. It has also beome apparent that I will have to edit hundreds of posts as importing them has screwed up all the post layouts, especially paragraphs. This