Today my blog is ten years old.
It is, frankly, a miracle I have kept this blog up for so long. Who would have guessed that this blog which was started on a whim with a glass of wine in my hand would last so long! However, this last year has been my least productive in terms of writing with only 33 blogs posted and no new novels. This is due to a dramatic change in my personal circumstances which is reflected in the subtle change in my blog title. I intend to keep on blogging but it will be a while before I am organised enough to find time to blog frequently or to continue with the novels that lie dormant in my files as I am back working full-time and looking after my boys’ welfare in my spare hours takes priority over my creative endeavours.
The last year has been a particularly sad time for me. I am in now in my own changing room. It is one I had not anticipated at my age but there are times in life when you have to make dramatic decisions and when faced with the choice of sinking or swimming, I chose to swim. The door to my past life is closing and the one to my future is opening. I hope happier times lie ahead.
A big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have supported my creative endeavours over the years. Normal service on this blog will resume when the legal papers have been signed. In the meantime, expect random caustic posts from the newly created The Witty Ways of a Wayward Woman. Hopefully, there will be ten more years of musings and several more novels in me yet.
6 responses
I too am a creative person forced to work full time nights n weekends at a job I don't enjoy to survive. My soul is still in art n writing, tho time is tough to do it. Now blogging is a past time when I make time for it. When you stop you miss it n your buddies who read. I am in year 11. Best of luck juggling it all. We've back for more!
Sorry to hear your news Jane. Dramatic change is never easy but I hope your sense of humour is keeping you afloat at least. I also hope 2017 is a better year for you.
Well then, a very Happy New Year to you, Jane. I hope it's a good one for you.
I miss the creative process Snaggle Tooth – it was what I was born to do:) Sadly, this work thing gets in the way too much! I'm not juggling things to well at the moment – but hopefully with a bit more practice I'll become more efficient!
Thanks Paul
I am afloat Wendy, albeit with a few sticky plasters in place:) It's good to see you here and I hope all is well with you:)