As some of you are aware Master Benedict has a habit of producing some admirable one liners. This afternoon as we were travelling to tennis he produced his best yet…
Mrs T: It’s Father’s Day on Sunday. Any ideas what we should get Dad?
Master Benedict: We don’t have a father.
Mrs T: What do you mean?
Master Benedict: We have two mothers.
So there you have it. The truth is out. There is not one but two Housewife Extraordinaries in the Turley Household.
Is it any wonder I’m mad?
Any ideas for a Father’s Day gift for the good Mr T are most welcome. Cheap ones please. I’m on a budget.
2 responses
LOL!! (Sorry, I keep forgetting this is a blog and not a text message.)
Keep 'em coming, Mrs T. Call me old-fashioned but shouldn't men always do the ironing anyway? The little lady of the house really can't be expected to operate an electrical appliance all on her own, no? Wait a minute. That applies to ovens, vacuum cleaners, microwaves .. oh, and TV remote controls as well. Oh dear. No, wait – they only have batteries in, don't they?
The Good Mr T is remarkably skilled in the ironing dept, Mrs B. I do not want to deprive him of something he loves so much:))
(The trick is to balls it up for about ten years – wrong creases, burns, lime scale stains etc etc, eventually it become easier to iron their own shirts. I've never looked back:)