Contrary to my post last year saying I was back in the writing business, my time writing on my blog has been limited. Mainly that’s because after moving home, I started a new job with a national charity which subsequently sucked up all my time and energy. It left very little time for me to pursue my MA where I was not totally exhausted. So several weeks ago, I made the decision to leave so I could do myself justice in my MA. I was offered a part-time job in the cultural sector, which I accepted.
The next day Russia invaded Ukraine.
Several weeks later and 4 days into my new job, I’ve concluded I made the right decision even though a part-time job means I will have to live frugally at least until my MA finishes. I listen to the news and watch the terrible events unfolding in Ukraine, and my mind races through all the possible scenarios of how this war may play out. There is no end that does not involve the suffering of many people.
So today, I am grateful to be alive. To live in a country that upholds freedom and democracy. That I’ve survived a brutal divorce, a health scare, numerous stressful and exhausting jobs and escaped covid. I’m grateful I have a roof over my head, the opportunity to further my education, 3 wonderful sons and, hopefully, will live long enough to look back on these last few tumultuous years with philosophical eyes.
Tomorrow I begin the race to catch up on my MA. My first project, a short film script, needs tweaking, but it has been suggested it is good enough to make the grade. Fingers crossed. My second, a pilot for a sitcom needs committing to paper. The sequel to The Changing Room needs finishing, as does my psychological thriller.
Time is of the essence. These last few weeks have shown that we never know what is around the corner. I’m just grateful that, in my case, it’s not a tank or missile.
One Response
So very glad to see you back!