Sometimes I wonder if I am cursed as it seems even the simplest things go wrong for me. Take for example, the last 36 hours…
packs his PE kit. Great. They both get out the door (late) but they don’t come back.
on the sofa and Master Jacob has forgotten his money. By this time I am shouting:
Advance Praise
“I don’t have any reviews for this book, Kellie. However, I’ve seen some traditional publishers just pick out general praise for the author in these circumstances So I’ve done that. If you can beat ’em join them!”
Yep.The admin has just copied and pasted. So everyone knows that the following three (awesome) comments I have listed have been selected by myself.
Eventually I decide that my 8 “likes” are either sympathy votes or a reward for supreme navel gazing. I contemplate a) murder b) spontaneous combustion (again) c) toast heavily laden with butter
I opt for c). Only because I haven’t got a shotgun.
Mr T comes home. I ask him whether Jacob has any idea where he left his money as I still can’t find it.
Mr T informs me that Master Ben was just joking about that. Master Jacob had his money all the time!
I butter some more toast.
So today is a new day. I have my handbag safe (complete with contents). Master Ben has gone to school. Master Jacob is still on his trip. Master Sam and Mr T are still in bed. All is quiet. I have just made my tea and checked my netgalley listing to see if the adminstrator has acted on the email I sent her regarding the faux-pas.
She hasn’t.
I am going to butter some more toast.